
For those with a green thumb, spring is the time when all the hard work dedicated to decorating balconies and gardens with potted plants comes to fruition; flowers bloom in a rainbow of colours and plants sprout a mass of green leaves.

However, this idyllic scene can be ruined by parasites. There are in fact a large number of hazards that can compromise plant health, damaging or infecting them, such as insects, fungi, moulds and mites.

It is not always easy to note the presence of these harmful parasites on our plants and when we do notice, it may be too late to save them. It is therefore important to carry out frequent maintenance on pots in order to see the signs of an attack, signs that vary from parasite to parasite.

In some cases, however, it is possible to take preventative steps.

In the case of insects, it is possible to completely prevent attack thanks to monitor traps for plant parasites, which use methods of attraction made specifically for insects such as leafminer moths, whitefly, thrips, aphids, etc.

In particular, insects tend to identify their targets through colour, and so monitor traps turn this mechanism against them, using a coloured adhesive strip, called a chromotropic trap; in addition to chromatic attraction, pheromones can also be added to attract potted-plant parasites.

Once attracted, the parasite remains stuck and unable to escape, which prevents damage to the potted plants and allows monitoring of both how widespread the infestation is and the type of insect responsible, in order to assess further, more incisive and targeted action to be taken.

Being a monitor trap , it does not contain active agents or hazardous substances that may damage potted plants and can be used in the presence of pets or children.

IGO provides contract production of monitor traps for pot plant parasites made of biodegradable, water- and weather-resistant material, meaning that they can be used outdoors in the direct proximity of vases for greater effectiveness and protection.

For more than 15 years, IGO has been a certified Medical and Surgical Device Manufacturer and provides the contract manufacture of insecticide products for domestic and civil use on substrates such as cellulose, granules or mixtures, and various types of liquid solutions to which one or more active substances have been added.

Browse our catalogue of monitor traps and contact us for further information.